Contractor Enrollment

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Regional Office:

Spearfish, SD, United States

(844) 444-RGSN

What Is The RGS Nationwide Program

RGS Nationwide offers an enrollment based Roofing, Gutters, and Siding replacement program whereby property owners receive a credit of 2x their enrollment fee toward the replacement. As a contractor, you can benefit from this program. This is how it works.

We use technology and marketing as our salesman, which means you will never have to worry about struggling to get new customers.

We require that all contractors get their dedicated area. Therefore, there can only be one contractor per 100 mile radius.

We share the profits with you with every job. This means you do what you are good at, construction, not marketing.

Once a member, you will be treated with honesty and fairness. We will use our technology to work for you.

As a member, you will benefit from our workmanship warranty.